Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Beginner Sewing Project

Spice has been showing a lot of interest in sewing lately so I decided it as time to set her up with a few projects. We started off with a beginner needlepoint kit from JoAnne's, but it has proved to be a bit more complicated than we bargained for so I made up some projects of my own for her.

We started off with a set of mesh coasters from Dollar Tree. This rubbery "material" is also found in the shelf liner section. I originally went in for the shelf liner, then saw the set of 4 coasters and thought they were the perfect size for little hands. I used a Sharpie to draw a simple flower shape on the coaster in red and purple for Spice to embroidery with yarn.


We have a couple of large plastic kid's sewing needles on hand, but if you don't have any, I've seen kiddie needles fashioned out of pipe cleaners. Spice "traced" around each shape with her yarn then I tied it off for her.



She had a great time with this project, completing it over 2 days, and is very proud of her work!


Next up, a rainbow!
Check out Works For Me Wednesday at We Are That Family for more fun ideas.


LaVonne said...

What a great idea. I came to get inspiration for me. I need to learn to sew :) But I loved it!

Stopping by from WFMW.


Jenny said...

hehe that's so cool.